About Sigma Chi and Our Chapter
The Sigma Chi Fraternity was founded upon major values that have continued to pave the way and sharpen out the young men who have joined this brotherhood. We as a chapter are committed to Sigma Chi's core values - Friendship, Justice, and Learning. Through these significant ideals, we strive to create life-long bonds as brothers, achieve academic success, give back to the community, and achieve equal justice for all.
In 2019, the Sigma Chi Epsilon Xi chapter had worked extremely hard to become chartered. Since 2019, the brothers who have joined this wonderful fraternity have been committed to becoming better men. The Sigma Chi's values have helped to develop young men into value-based leaders who retain the lifelong commitment to their brothers, families, and community.
Over the past two years, the Sigma Chi Xi colony has accomplished great heights academically, socially and most importantly in the area of philanthropy. We have hosted two major philanthropic events that have resulted in the raising of $1660.69 for the Houston Food Bank, as well as a Galveston Beach Clean up which helped the area better recover from the heavy toll of Tropical Storm Beta. Along with our feats in philanthropy, we have shown greatness academically. We as a chapter have retained the title of highest cumulative GPA within IFC for the past three consecutive semesters. Since the start of our colony we have achieved so much and continue to strive for more.

Our Heritage at the University of Houston
Sigma Chi at the University of Houston has had an extensive and long lasting legacy. Everyday, the Sigma Chi Epsilon Xi Chapter continues to work and achieve success to continue that same cherished legacy as well as attempting to leave our own. For the past two years, our colony has become stronger and stronger. We continue to live through Sigma Chi’s core values to improve our chapter every day. We strive to honor those who came before us to continue the great reputation and influence this fraternity has nationwide.